Hey Julia Woods
Join me, Julia Woods, a couples coach and wife of over 3 decades, as I share some of my client's stories and my own so that you can be encouraged, inspired, and gain new results in your marriage.
Hey Julia Woods
You Never Compliment Me
Do you wish your spouse would compliment you more or would you like to increase compliments in your marriage?
Tune in as Julia and Jeff beautifully demonstrate how to engage in this conversation with your spouse, offering valuable insights and guidance along the way. With 32 years of marriage under their belt, they candidly share their history of withholding compliments and how they've communicated their need for affirmation (and how you can too!), which is further deepening their connection.
👉 Take the free communication quiz! What’s YOUR communication type?! https://beautifuloutcome.com/communication-quiz
💥💥Everything you need to grow the marriage you long for is waiting for you in the Marriage Growth Community:
🎁 Free Gift for you! 100 Prompts and Ideas to Connect with your Spouse!
🎁 FREE GIFT: Turn Defensiveness into Connection! https://beautifuloutcome.com/e-guide
👉 Take the free communication quiz! What’s YOUR communication type?! https://beautifuloutcome.com/communication-quiz
Where you can find me:
INSTAGRAM: Connect with me at @HeyJuliaWoods
YOUTUBE: Subscribe to @HeyJuliaWoods
SHOP: Marriage resources in my storefront
RETREATS: Attend a Marriage Workshop
WEBSITE: Find more resources at BeautifulOutcome.com